The endowment fund ESA

Definition of the endowment fund

Introduced by Law N°2008-776 dated 4 August 2008, the endowment fund is a funding tool for philanthropy and corporate sponsoring.

« Le fonds de dotation est une personne morale de droit privé à but non lucratif qui reçoit et gère, en les capitalisant, des biens et droits de toute nature qui lui sont apportés à titre gratuit et irrévocable et utilise les revenus de la capitalisation en vue de la réalisation d’une œuvre ou d’une mission d’intérêt général ou les redistribue pour assister une personne morale à but non lucratif dans l’accomplissement de ses œuvres et de ses missions d’intérêt général » (article 140, Economic Modernization Law N°2008-776 dated 4 August 2008).   

The endowment fund is a non-profit entity; its management is devoid of personal interest.

The funding members, members of the Administrative Board, carry out their functions on a voluntary basis.

The Administrative Board

Our Administrative Board is composed of 11 members:


Serge CHALONS, pediatrician and public health expert, funding member
Dominique MODOCK, notary, funding member
Olympe FRANCIL, AFPA Martinique accounting and finance director, funding member
Simonne MORNET, legal expert, funding member

       Other members

Moïse BELORGANE, IT consultant, funding member
Eric CABERIA, Espace Sud Martinique communication manager, funding member
Christian JEAN-ETIENNE, geographer
Patrice LEFAUCHEUR, IT consultant
Aline MONTJOLY, communication consultant, funding member
Marie-Flore PELAGE, public accountant, funding member
Joël ZOBEL, communication consultant, photographer